In this article:
As of 01.May.2021, the European tire label will change drastically on the basis of renewed and stricter European legislation (Regulation (EU) 2020/740).
With this information, we would like to inform you about these upcoming changes (as now included in the renewed legislation). These extensive changes will have a major impact on your duty of information towards the end user.
Tires that are placed on the market as of 01.May.2021 (unless produced before 01.May.2021) must be provided with the new tire label.
The most important changes to the physical label are listed below.
In order to provide consumers with clear, transparent and regulated product information and to ensure uniform data provision by manufacturers, suppliers are required to register all tires produced after 25. June.2020 in the EPREL.
The necessary QR codes for inclusion on tire labels will be generated from the EPREL, together with the compulsory Product Information Sheet.
For our own and exclusive brands we act as suppliers (manufacturer) and take care of the registration in the EPREL for these brands. For the other brands, this is taken care of by the manufacturers themselves.
The changes involve extensive and compulsory changes in the communication to the end user. Only when the tire brand is communicated as a brand (branding), there is no obligation to mention a tire label. In visual advertisements about a range of tires and not just a specific type, the tire label does not have to be shown. In all other cases this obligation exists.
When a specific tire is offered for sale (brand, profile, tire size and possibly price indication) the most recent tire label must always be displayed. This applies to all means of communication, both online and offline! In all your sales activities with physical price lists and/or via your website or webshop, a tire label must therefore be displayed for each tire, per version (brand, type, size). The extensive product information sheet will also has to be available on request.
This also applies to all marketing activities at product level. Examples brochures, flyers, advertisements, technical product sheets, etc. Again, the only exception is when the band is communicated as a brand (branding). For example: Point of Sales material with general tire information about the tire brand.
Suppliers and distributors must also include on their websites, where relevant: a statement indicating that tires with ice grip are specifically designed for ice and roads with packed snow, that they should only be used in very severe weather conditions (e.g. low temperatures) and that the use of tires with ice grip in less severe weather conditions (e.g. precipitation or higher temperatures) may lead to reduced performance, in particular concerning wet grip, handling and wear.
Suppliers shall also make the following available on their websites:
At the point of sale, the tire label (as provided by the manufacturer) must be displayed in a clearly visible and fully legible location on the tire and the product information sheet must also be readily available (in digital or print format) upon request.
If tires offered for sale are not physically present or visible to the end user at the time of sale, a copy of the tire label must be provided prior to sale. This includes tires that are to be ordered specifically for a customer.
The obligation to always state the label values on the sales invoice will lapse as of 01.May.2021. The new legislation obliges you to show / hand over the label values to the consumer before the final sale.
So it is certainly possible that a customer buys a tire with the ‘old label values’ and when consulting the EPREL sees the new values. Due to the reclassification it may therefore appear that the customer has received a tire with worse label values than those stated on the tire when it was sold. This is not correct. The consumer has received the correct tire. The tire delivers exactly the same performance (D-C), but has an outdated label.
We realize that the above contains a lot of information and that you will have questions in the near future. We will follow the current developments and the resulting obligations closely and will inform you in the interim if necessary. If you have any questions in response to this newsletter, please call your contact person. They will help and guide you as best they can during this mandatory label transition.
OPTION 1: ”What will change for orders via our e-commerce?”
As of 01.May.2021, all articles will be indicated online with renewed label values based on the renewed and stricter European legislation.
The renewed label values will continue to be mentioned in our e-commerce system at the current positioning, near the price of the article.
‘Fuel Efficiency’, ‘Wet Grip’, ‘Roll Noise’, ‘Noise Level’, ‘Snow Grip’, ’Ice Grip’ , ‘link to an image of the label & link to the EU-page with for example the product data sheet, will be clearly displayed.
For content explanations regarding the renewed tire label and consequences regarding the current tire label, we like to refer you to our specially designed web page “The renewed European tire Label”.
OPTION 2: ”What will change for orders via an EDI connection?”
Because according to the stricter legislation from 01.May.2021 only the renewed label values will be communicated, the lay-out of your EDI-files will be subject to a change.
The current columns under the headings ‘Fuel Efficiency’, ‘Wet Grip Roll Noise’ and ‘Noise level’ will no longer be filled from 01.May.2021. Please note that these current columns will not be discontinued, but their content will be displayed as blank.
Instead, the EDI files will be provided with new, extra (!) columns. These new columns will be added to the right side of the file, under the headings : ‘Fuel Efficiency’, ‘Wet Grip’, ‘Roll Noise’, ‘Noise Level’, ‘Snow Grip’, ‘Ice Grip’ , ‘EPREL- ID’ end ‘EPREL-link’.
The last two columns are essential as you, as a reseller, are obliged to make a reference to the EPREL database. The unique EPREL ID allows you to retrieve label values and other product information from the European database.
OPTION 3: ”What will change for orders via a GATEWAY connection?”
Since according to the stricter legislation as of 01.May.2021 only the updated label values will be communicated, the layout of your GATEWAY response messages will be subject to change.
The current fields under the headings ‘Fuel Efficiency’, ‘Wet Grip’, Roll Noise” and ‘Noise Level’ will not be filled in as of 01.May.2021. Please note, these current fields will not be discontinued, but their content will be displayed as blank.
Instead, the response messages will be provided with new, additional (!) columns. These new columns will be added to the right side of the response messages, under the headings : Fuel Efficiency’, ‘Wet Grip’, ‘Roll Noise’, ‘Noise level’ ,’Snow Grip’, ‘Ice Grip’ and ‘EPREL ID’.
The unique EPREL ID allows you to retrieve label values and other product information from the European database and is essential, as you – as a reseller -, are required to make a reference to the EPREL database.